Day in the life of BPP founder Olivia

5:30AM: Alarm goes off! I wake up to ABC radio so I can hear a bit of news before I slowly crawl out of bed for the day.

5.30 - 7AM: Most days I go straight to the beach for a quick dip to wake up. Physical strength is important when walking multiple dogs at one time, so I usually also do an arm and core workout - I swear by Jamie Brenkus’ 8 min abs and 8 min arms, they were made in the 80s (like all the best things) and are on YouTube for us all to enjoy - the theme tune will get you…! I’ll also drink atleast 2 cups of tea and drink loads of water, I don’t always get an opportunity to drink a lot whilst out walking so try to load up in the morning and evening.

Breakfast: Granola with loads of chia seeds, goji berries and fresh fruit.

7 - 8.30AM: I usually have a dog walk, often a private one on one walk for the doggies that need a little extra attention. If I don’t have a walk I’ll get some admin done for the business.


3-4 days a week I have a full schedule of daycare with the smaller dogs, and my staff take care of all the hour walks with the medium - large dogs. We pick up all over the Eastern suburbs, so I make sure I have a good spotify playlist for the drive. It’s mostly old school hip hop, or my sister makes me a lot of playlists, otherwise I wouldn’t ever end up listening to anything made after 1995…

After pick ups we usually go straight to a park so they can run round and burn off some energy, and hopefully get all their number ones and twos out the way! We often meet up with our favourite pooch pack Woof of Paw Street so it’s double the dogs and double the fun!

After a big play / fetch session we will usually pop back to BPP HQ on Beach Road and I’ll make the dogs some ice cold puppuccinos. They go wild for them.

We’ll then go out again for the afternoon for more walks and drop offs. We try to always include some on leash walking throughout the day, as it’s important the dogs maintain good leash behaviour, it makes the pawrents lives a lot easier too!

4.30: Usually walks are finished by this time and I go on to the BPP app and send through visit reports to all of the clients that had day care booked. These include lots of photos and notes on the dogs behaviour and activities!

Evening: I upload the BPP instagram story and all our fun footage and photos from the day. I try to also do atleast half an hour of stretching as you get pretty tight after walking around 30,000 steps each day! My foam roller is a god send for tight shoulders too.

To unwind I play a lot of piano, I can sit there for hours if I have the time! I often switch my phone off really early in the evening too, otherwise I find it hard to fall asleep as I get distracted reading messages etc. Switching off and winding down, always a work in progress!


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Our top 3 pooch snacks